This Next Revival Will Produce Perfection

In 1 Cor 13:10 Paul writes, "when prefection comes." Paul is refering to the promise of God in Gen 1:26. It is the heart of God to have a people who are like Him.

Jesus was the first man to fulfill this scripture. He was born outside the curse that has come upon all men because of their sin. In Heb 1:3 is says, "Jesus is the radiance of His glory and the exact represenation of His nature." In Jesus we see the eternal purpose of God for man carried out, (Eph 3:11).

The Father has given His Son all authority in heaven and earth, to produce the same result in us, (Mt 28:18). This next revival will be a move of God through His Son to produce prefection in us.

Jesus gave His deciples the blue print for how this will be done and it was recorded in (John 15:9). Jesus told His deciples to abide in His agape. In verse one of chapter 15 Jesus called himself "the true vine and His Father the vine dresser." Jesus is the sorce of everything we need to become just like Him. Jesus as the vine is rooted and grounded in agape which makes Him the true vine. Paul wrote in Romans 8:39, that the agape of God is in Christ. Paul also wrote in Eph 3:19 that through continual experience of recieving agape from Christ will produce all the fullness of the Father dwelling in us. In Eph 4:13 this relationship with Jesus will produce a full experiental knowledge of the Son of God and bring us unto a prefect man just like Him.

The reason we are in the predicament we're in today is because the 1st century church walked away from their first agape (Rev 2:4). Jesus who is the source of agape was put out of His church and has been outside knocking to gain entrance ever since. Jesus didn't leave His church, His church left Him. For the last 1900 years we have been living a Christless christianty. But not to fear. God is in control and He knows the beginning from the end. When all this is done you will like how you turn out and God and His Son will get all the glory.


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