Matt 5:8 "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

A pure heart no leven only light. Jesus came to restore a pure heart so we can have a relationship with the Father. This is the last major miracle to complete the work in the saints. This is full restoration, restoring man to the sane place the first Adam experienced before the fall.
A pure heart is the key to true worship. Sin attacked our hearts and made them dysfunctional. Sin has disengaged our heart from knowing God and living a life in the spirit realm. Jesus is anointed and sent to heal the broken hearted, Luke 4:18. Paul by revelation knew that there will be a people that are conformed to the image of Jesus. Jesus was the first man to never know sin and never lose the glory of God.

 A pure heart is a heart that knows no sin. We are forgiven and we are born from above and see God through a glass dimly. We have an earnest of the spirit, yet our knowledge of the spirit realm is only in part. When the prefect comes (that is when our hearts are restored to pre fall condition, all the leven is removed) then we shall see face to face and know as we are fully known, 1 Cor 13:12. The reason for this change will be because Jesus will have finished the work He is sent to do now in His glorified state. He will heal our broken hearts and restore us to the place He is in. We will be restored to the same place Adam was in before the fall, and the place Jesus experienced His entire life.

 A pure heart is the passport to the spirit realm and in the presence of God and His Son. A pure heart opens the realm of the spirit for seamless interface with God which I believe is the interpretation of they will see God. This is the final stage of the work Jesus was sent to do. A pure heart is total restoration from the fallen state Adam put humanity in, Rom 5:12.
 A pure heart will enable the soul to agape God in all the heart, soul, and mind. A pure heart will enable the soul to agape God and live Duet 30:6.

 A pure heart is the final stage of restoration. A pure heart will place us in an unfallen state thus blameless. A pure heart that is rooted and grounded in agape will enable us to seamlessly interface with the spirit realm, our true home. A pure heart will enable our soul and spirit to be whole and function the way we were created to function.
 A pure heart will enable us to live in the spirit and agape will enable us to walk in the spirit. We shall see God. The spirit realm will open to us, and we will interface with the Father the same way Jesus interfaced with the Father. Jesus prayed that we be one just as they are, John 17:11. This will be the result of having a pure heart. Jesus said in Matt 11:29 that His heart is meek and lowly, this is the result of being influenced by the agape of the Father. Agape is kind, and patience, and long suffering. Agape has no qualities of harshness, that is why agape works no ill to its neighbor and is the fulfillment of the law, Rom 13:10.

 The spiritual fulfillment of the feast of Tabernacles will bring about a pure heart. It was agape that was first to go and last to be restored. The first century church began to experience the fruit of the third feast and understood the result of the spiritual fulfillment would be a return to the garden of Eden position. This is why the first century church never reached perfection because each year the feast of Tabernacles came around there were no signs of spiritual fulfillment. For perfection, it was necessary for the third feast to be fulfilled. This is why the N.T. was filled with admonitions to keep the faith and not stop and promises of a glorious future on earth and if not the promise of eternal life and the glory restored to those who kept true. The promises of spiritual maturity are just as true today as they were to the first century church. We are the generation that will not pass away until all is fulfilled. There is going to be a people that will be conformed to the image of Christ and live a life of agape and have the glory and live demon free and be restored to pre fall days. Everything is in place for the greatest revival this world has ever seen.


 Without the heart being involved the two greatest commandments cannot be fulfilled. This is the life sin cost us. A pure heart is what Paul wrote about in Eph 5:27, A glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing holy and blameless, this is the church that is restored to pure heart status and is connected to the Father and His Son in the spirit and are living one with them as they are one and being agaped by the Father just as Jesus is agaped by the Father, Jhon 17:23. Their hearts are now pure and that is why they are blameless.

“See” to look at, behold, to allow oneself to be seen, to appear. When our hearts are restored to pre-fall days, we will experience the Father in a face-to-face relationship. A pure heart is the key to experiencing the Father just like the first Adam before he fell. Jesus never sinned and has open access to the Father 24/7. A pure heart will reestablish fellowship with the Father and His Son. The Father can now reveal Himself to His people as He once did to Adam in the garden and to Jesus who always had a pure heart.

 This is why we shall see God because He is pure and with a pure heart, we will be one with Him. This is why Jesus could rebuke the wind and the waves because all the fullness dwelt in Christ and that means the promises of dominion the first Adam had before the fall. Jesus because of His pure heart knew the will of the Father and did not need tongues He had no weakness. God is pure and He created man pure so man could relate to Him. When Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit their hearts were no longer pure and they were cut off from the only thing that is pure. It will be a pure heart that connects us to the spirit realm. It will be a pure heart that enables us to become one as Jesus and the Father are one John 10:30. It will be a pure heart that enables us to become perfect like our Father and Jesus are perfect. Jesus through a pure heart experienced the plan of God for man, and lived that life out on earth, just as we will live the same life on earth.

 Adam lost his pure heart and connection to the spirit realm. There was no way back to Adam's original position. Jesus' life opened the door to life with the Father. This is the will of God on earth as it is in heaven. This is why we as fallen man need to be born from above. Jesus was literally born of spirit and His Father being God placed Jesus outside the curse and all that men succumb to, living under the curse. Jesus had the one thing all the rest of the Adams lost, a pure heart. His heart remained pure, and His heart enabled Him to live life one with the Father. This is the reality we are going to experience in the third feast. Through a pure heart we will live one with the Father and Jesus. We will live a life face to face and fully know as we are fully known. The world is going to see the real reason for Jesus living and dying for us. The world is going to see the plan of God fulfilled in our lives.

 A pure heart no leven no demons no more deception, All doctrine of demons will be gone from the church Christ builds. Truth will prevail in the saints. We will fully know as we are fully known. We will worship in spirit and in truth. We will all have the same faith and be one with one another and agape one another and live fulfilling the law of God. There is no weakness because there are no demons. The heart is for the Father only and with Him dwelling there the soul will be one with the Father and one with His Son, John 14:23. A pure heart will be full of light. The veil will be gone that separates us from the heavenly realm and living in the light. All of this is our birth right there is nothing to earn. We have been robbed of life and just as our natural life is in the blood, so our spiritual life is in agape.


 John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."

The enemy has stolen our life in the spirit. We see through a glass darkly, we only know in part, instead of having a pure heart and seeing God the way we were created to experience Him. Life in the spirit is a relationship in the Father's agape. Our hearts have been corrupted by sin and therefore we have died to life in the spirit realm. Our worth has been stolen from us in that we are not aware of our value. We do not know as we are known by God. Jesus lived the life all men were meant to live. Jesus has been set over the Father's business to bring many sons to glory. Jesus is our great high priest who entered the holy of holies made without hands, He is at the right hand of God soon to prefect us and bring us into superabundant life. "Abundance," Greek, may keep on having abundance. Through Jesus as the vine, we will have and continue to have life in abundance flowing into us and issuing out of us.

Jesus said, “I came that they might have life and have it more abundantly,” this is what the Greek is really saying.
“I came that they might have, keep, and constantly retain a vitality, a gusto, a vigor, and a zest for living, that springs up from deep inside. I came that they might embrace this unrivaled, unequaled, matchless, incomparable, richly loaded, and overflowing life, to the ultimate maximum.” *
 Because of Jesus we are going to experience experiential pureness. Our sins are legally forgiven but in the third feast we are going to be restored to our spiritual life with the Father and the Son. The prayers of Jesus in John 17 will be answered, and we will live one just as Jesus and the Father are one. We will no longer understand in part and only see the spiritual side of our life through a glass darkly. Because of Jesus we will experience a pure heart and live a life face to face, fully knowing as we are fully known. No longer will we experience the enemy of our soul exerting worldly pressures on our lives. We will live free from all their influences and weakness they created in our hearts.
*This is a quote from Sparking Gems by Rick Renner

 All men have experienced the thief coming into their lives and stealing life from them. The thief hardens the heart so spiritual life cannot enter and change them. This last day move will be different from all others because of the profound work of the spirit. Man will see the plan of God in His people and understand what the plan of God is for man.

1 John 4:9, "By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him."

This is the plan of God for man. God manifest His agape toward us in that He gave His only begotten Son so we might live through Him. Jesus is the true vine and apart from Him we cannot live. There is no life in the spirit outside the Son. This verse is speaking about a relationship with Jesus. This relationship is not our phileo to Jesus but Jesus agape to us then our agape to Him and to the Father. The only way this reality will happen is if we abide in Christ's agape, John 15:9. This reality makes Christ the way, the truth, and the life. Jesus said in John 6:57, "I live through the Father so shall you live through me." Our life in the spirit realm is to be lived through the Son who will provide the agape that will enable us to live overcoming the world. This is what is meant in 1 Tim 2:5, "There is one God and one mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus." The Father has set His Son up as king and lord not only in this world but in the world to come.

 This is the abundant life Jesus came to give. Life through Him by abiding in the vine and remaining in agape. Jesus is the one who will reveal the Father, Matt 11:27. "reveal," means, to lift the veil and reveal what was previously hidden.
 This is why Jesus said in John 15:5, that apart from Me you can do nothing. This is where the church rooted in romanism is today. It has a form of godliness but no power. Jesus is not the head of this church.

1 John 4:16 We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.

God is agape and His plan for man is rooted in His love. We are created in His image, our soul, (not the flesh for the flesh profits nothing,) is in the image of God. We cannot see the soul just like we cannot see God for we are invisible. When the body dies the soul leaves, and no one can see the soul leaving. Our soul is eternal, and our soul is able to experience agape and be changed into the likeness of God. This is the key to life. This is the reality of the spiritual fulfillment of the third feast. Jesus was able to maintain a living communion with the Father because of His heart. A pure heart rooted and grounded in Agape will enable us to fulfill the commandments which will enable us to continue to maintain a living communion with Jesus and the Father.  This is the reality of Jesus words in John 14:10 this is how Jesus is in the Father. He had all the agape on a continual basis. We on the other hand only know this reality in part. John 17:23 is phase three Christianity.

John 14:10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

Jn 3:34 Jesus was not given the spirit by measure as all the men of God that went before Him. Jesus has all the fullness of the Father dwelling in Him. This is the logos of God that all the fullness of God dwell in man and the path to that reality is abiding in the vine and coming to know the agape of Christ that surpasses knowledge and be filled unto all the fullness of God, Eph 3:19. Only through agape will this reality happen. In the feast of Tabernacles our heart will be restored to pre-fall days. A pure heart is the passport to the heavenly realm.  Jesus said I am in the Father, flesh and blood have no part with this statement. It is Jesus himself His soul is in the Father. Because of our sin we cannot relate to this reality. There is coming a time when we will know experientially what it is like to be in the Father. This is how Jesus could say that He and the Father are one. Jesus prayed that we be one as they are, Jn 17:11.

John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

Jesus lived the abundant life and because He lived the life we shall also. John 10:10 Jesus came to give life and give life abundantly. John 15:9, is how He is going to give abundant life. We are going to know the reality of this verse. Jesus said in John 5:26 that as the Father has life in himself so has, He given the Son to have life in Himself. This is the promise of the Holy Spirit given to Jesus by the Father in Acts 2:33.
 The life Jesus lived was unfallen and because He lived the life Adam gave up, we have opportunity to live the same life. This is the true reason the Father gave His only begotten Son. This life is the eternal life spoken of in John 17:3. Jesus knew the Father in a way fallen man can never come to know the Father. To know the Father, we need to be connected to the Father and in order to be connected to the Father we need our hearts restored to pre-fall days. Jesus heart never became corrupted, and He had a face-to-face relationship with the Father resulting in a heart rooted and grounded in agape and becoming one with the Father. This life is what Paul wrote about in 1 Cor 13:10, perfection, a face to face fully knowing as we are fully known. This life is a life with a pure heart rooted and grounded in agape.

 The life Jesus lived is now in us and when God opens the heavens the power of Christ life will live in us and we will live because Jesus is alive in us. Verse 20 of John chapter 14, is the reason we will live because Jesus lives. Jesus will reveal the Father to us as we abide in the vine and receive and give agape. God is agape and those who agape know God, ! John 4:16.
 The life Jesus is referring to is a life of knowing the Father and the Son. It is God's intent to have a personal relationship with us. The gospel is a personal relationship through agape. We shall live life demon free with a pure heart rooted and grounded in agape,

John 3:6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

 To be born of the spirit is spirit. Our second life is from above not from this earth. To grow in our second life, we need sustenance from above. Agape is the fruit of the spirit and agape will enable the soul to grow into the likeness of God and His Son. Jesus is the supplier of agape. Apart from Him we can do nothing, John 15:5. This is a revelation of what we lost and what we are to gain through the work of Calvary. Jesus paid the price so we could return to garden of Eden status. Jesus fulfilled and is living Gen 1:26. The whole purpose is for God to reconcile us unto Him through His Son, so we can live a life connected to the Father and the Son. That we be one as they are. This is what life in the spirit is.
 That which is born under the linage of Adam is flesh and that which is born of God is spirit. The spirit life is a process of abiding in the vine and receiving the fruit of the spirit agape, which will produce Godlikeness in the soul.

 Being born of the spirit removes the soul from living a life under the curse to living a life in the spirit, Col 1:13. To live a life in the spirit we need the fruit of the spirit, agape.
 The flesh can never live a life of spirit. Our new life needs to come from above. That is why we need to be connected to the vine, receiving agape so we can live a life in the spirit. There is nothing in the natural that will produce or lead the soul into a spirit life. Our soul needs to be connected to our spirit so we can live a life in the spirit. Adam lost this connection when he fell. He was no longer connected to his spirit for his spirit was disconnected from the spirit realm. There was no more life for his spirit to experience No longer was light separating him from darkness. God is light and a pure heart will always see that light. At the born from above experience Christ begins to give us light, Eph 5:14. Sin is no longer a factor blocking light from getting into our hearts. A pure heart will be full of light which is what we read about on the Mt of transfiguration. The disciples saw Christ heart full of light a light so bright that it changed His outward appearance.

 The church Jesus builds will be born of the spirit. The church will be a heavenly manifestation born from above filled with saints that have a pure heart rooted and grounded in agape and living a life fulfilling the laws of God. Life will come from above and sustain the saint who will be in the image of the heavenly. There will be no earthly ways in Christ church. Christ' church will be the will of God on earth as it is in heaven.

Heb 2:11 For both He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of one, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren,

We are both from one Father. We, born of the spirit and Jesus literally born of the spirit. Both are born from above and both share the heavenly image. Jesus set the standard for the heavenly image. The heavenly image is the plan of God from the beginning, Gen 1:26. The likeness of God is the heavenly image. Jesus became the image of the invisible God, Col 1:15.

Col 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:

Jesus maintained a pure heart all His life and the result is oneness with the Father. Jesus experienced the life the Father created man to have. Jesus is the first man to become the image of God. Thus, fulfilling the eternal purpose of God, Eph 3:11. This is what sin cost us. Jesus who knew no sin became the image of the invisible God. In the Feast of Tabernacles we will experience this reality, we will become agape the image of the invisible God.

Jesus is the first man to achieve the purpose of God which makes Him the firstborn of all creation. We now can be redeemed to full Son status. This is the reality Adam lost in the garden and Jesus came to restore. The heart of the Father is to draw His creation into an eternal love relationship with Him.

The image of the Father is a pure heart. Jesus never sinned and never lost His pure heart. Jesus said blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God, Matt 5:8. This is the church of Eph 5:27, no spot no wrinkle or any such thing, nothing of the enemy is in the saints of this church. This is the church that is heavenly in nature. This church is a church that is prepared for God to dwell in. This church has taken on the likeness of the Father, agape.

Jesus is the first man to become the image of the invisible God. Jesus said, "I and My Father are one," John 10:30. He was born of a virgin making God His Father and having an unfallen Father placed Jesus outside the curse all other men are born into. With a pure heart and an unfallen Father Jesus had the same opportunity the first Adam had before the fall. What Jesus didn't do was partake of the forbidden fruit and thus maintained a pure heart rooted and grounded in agape and the result was God likeness. Because of Jesus we now have opportunity to live the same life He lived, Col 1:22.

Col 1:22 In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:

Through Jesus the stage is set for the greatest revival this world has ever seen. We are going to be restored to prefall days. the Greek for “unreprovable” is from two Greek words “without,” and “to accuse in court.” Not merely unaccusable but unaccused, free from any legal charge. This word occurs in 1 Cor 1:8, 1 Tim 3:10, Titus 1:6,7. “Unblameable” in the Greek means “spotless,” “ without blemish.” Because of Jesus we will be as He is, spotless and unaccused before the Father. Four times in John chapter six Jesus said,” in the last day I will raise them up.” Jesus said in Matt 28:18 that all authority has been given Him in heaven and earth. In the Feast of Tabernacles this verse will become more than head knowledge. We will live in the reality of pureness and goodness and gentleness and control of our emotions, demon free. Matt 12:44, This is a heart that is set in order. A heart that is restored to prefall days. A heart that is pure, no admixture of sin. This heart is the heart that will produce a face-to-face reality with the Father and His Son.

1 John 5:11 And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.
The only place we will find life in the Spirit, is connected to the true vine, John 15:1. Jesus said apart from Me you can do nothing, John 15:5. Apart from Jesus there is no life in the spirit. We do not have the ability to produce the Christ life in us, and need to rely on Jesus for everything. The abundant life Jesus is bringing us, is the life He lived one with the Father experiencing His agape until He became the likeness of the Father, Heb 1:3.

1 John 5:19 We know that we are of God, and that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.

Col 1:13, says we are transported from the power of darkness into the kingdom of the Son of His agape. In the Feast of Tabernacles this transformation will be complete. All the deception that is still working in our lives will be gone. We will revert to prefall days and truth and light will fill our souls. We will know the price sin caused the human race. The world lives in lies and in darkness. In the third feast true light powered by agape will affect the entire world. God will have a church that will have His presence and power and love and glory. Truth will be the foundation, the church will be standing on. As in God there will be no darkness in the Feast of Tabernacles church. Christ will be the head and will lead His church to victory over the enemy, and the gates of hell will not prevail against this church.

John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

 Our sin cost us life with God in the spirit. This is what Adam died to. Accepting Jesus takes care of the sin so we can have life in the spirit with God. With sin taken care of through the lamb sacrifice our soul experiences our spirit being born from above. The door to the spirit realm is now open to receive agape and grow into the likeness of God. After Jesus' ascension, on the day of Pentecost this reality began. Jesus said that in that day you will know that I am in the Father you in me and I in you, John 14:20. Now God began to pour out His agape into the hearts of the believers. With the spirit realm open to man once again Jesus and the Father could begin to make man into their likeness. In John 3:6, Jesus said that which is born of the flesh is flesh that which is born of the spirit is spirit. We can only experience the spirit of God through the redemption of Jesus. There is no way back from what Adam did in the garden. That which is born of flesh cannot contact the spirit of God. Jesus the lamb of God lived the life every man should have lived and now through His willingness to die for our sins we have opportunity to live the same life in the spirit. To know God the way Jesus knows God is abundant life. This has always been the plan of God for man. To make man into His likeness, Gen 1:26.

1 Cor 13:10 But whenever that which is complete comes, that which is incomplete and fragmentary will be done away.
An Expanded Translation by Kenneth S. Wuest

This whole chapter speaks of a more excellent way. Agape is the ingredient that will mature the soul to become like God. Agape will bring the body of Christ into oneness the same way Jesus and the Father are one. Paul uses the same Greek word here that Jesus used in Matt 5:48' be perfect even as your heavenly Father is perfect. The premises for this statement is, agape your enemies. In ourselves we can neither be prefect or agape our enemies. This is a divine principle and only with divine tools can we live this reality.
 The entire law is the divine principle to live our lives by. The two greatest commandments encompass the whole law. The only way we are going to be able to keep the law is a pure heart rooted and grounded in agape.
 Paul is referring to full development of the soul and spirit that produces maturity on the level of Christ, Eph 4:13. We will obtain this perfection through a pure heart that is connected to the vine and remaining in the agape, this process will develop the soul into the image of Christ. We will not obtain this perfection any other way.

The perfect is full restoration to prefall days. God is going to make our hearts pure like Adam and Eve before the fall. In order for agape to work the way it is suppose to, our hearts must be pure. God promised to circumcise our hearts so we could love Him with all our heart and soul and live, Deut 30:6.
 Everything we do is in part. When we are connected to the vine and come to know the agape of Christ the result of that reality will be that we are filled unto all the fullness of God Eph 3:19.
 The reason that which is in part will be done away is, agape will be the sign that we are Christ’   disciples,  John 13:35.
 Perfection is total restoration of our spiritual life. We will experience life to the full, John 10:10.

Paul watched year after year as the Feast of Tabernacles came and went without spiritual fulfillment. In the Feast of Tabernacles Gen 1:26 will become a reality. No longer will the gifts be needed to experience a partial reality of the spirit realm. We shall see face to face, and we shall fully know as we are fully known. We will have all the covenant. We will set in heavenly places in the presence of God as portrayed by the symbolism of the two cherubim in the Holy of Holies in Moses tabernacle. Our pure heart rooted and grounded in agape will enable us to have full access to the spirit realm as portrayed by Ezekiel's temple where there is no ceiling in the Holy of Holies.

Perfection is a pure heart, rooted and grounded in agape which will connect us to the Father and the Son, and become one with them, John 17:11.
Perfection is phase three Christianity. We are all stuck in phase two Christianity. Only two of the three feast Isarel celebrated, Ex 23:17, have been spiritually fulfilled. Paul understood the result of the spiritual fulfillment of the third feast, the Feast of Tabernacles, when he wrote in 1 Cor 13:10 that when perfection comes phase two Christianity will no longer be needed because perfection will produce a face to face reality and a fully knowing as we are fully know reality. Phase three of Christianity is the fulfillment of all the scriptures that have not been fulfilled yet.

1 Cor 13:11  When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

Paul is using the natural to explain the principle of becoming prefect in the spiritual. When we become perfect, we will grow out of the immature spiritual things we do to make ourselves feel secure. We will no longer be babes tossed to and frow by every wind of doctrine of men. We will be able to live as adult saints developed into the full stature of Christ, Eph 4:13. Paul understood our only course of developing into the life of Christ was by abiding in the vine. God is agape and as we maintain a living communion with Jesus, we will grow unto all the fullness of God, Eph 3:19.

1 Cor 13:12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.

Christ never had this problem. He lived a face-to-face reality His entire life. He never had a need of the gifts for His relationship with the Father was seamless because of His pure heart. His life was in the Father and all the fullness of the Father was in Him. There is a life that sin has robbed us of, and Jesus demonstrated that life because He knew no sin. This is the plan of God for man to become one with Him. That is why Jesus prayed the prayer He prayed in John 17:23, that we be one perfectly as He and the Father are one and that the world will know that we are agaped just as Jesus is agaped. This is the logos of God from the beginning. The entire plan is based on the reality of God's foreknowledge that His Son would become the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. Gen 1:26 is speaking prophetically of John 15:9 where we are to abide in the agape of Christ and He and the Father will make us into the image and likeness of Their relationship. The plan is to take fallen man and make him unfallen.

 To fully know as we are fully known is a reality that in and of itself will be astounding as we come to know our value in God. Without demonic influence in our lives, we will be able to relate to the only thing that is good. What we feel about ourselves will be a direct effect of dwelling in agape. We shall know the truth and that truth about ourselves will set us free.
The fact that we don't know about ourselves is a testament to the demonic power that works in our lives. God looks at the heart not the flesh and what He knows and sees will be revealed when the third feast is spiritually fulfilled. The amount of darkness we live in has robbed us of the reality of how precious we are to our creator. This reality will be a powerful tool in the last day. The world is going to get a good look at what God intended all along for His creation.
All lies about us will be wiped clean. The blood of Christ cleanses us from all our sins, and we will be restored to prefall days. The Father will circumcise our hearts so we can love with all our heart and with all our soul and live, Deut 30:6.

In Matt 5:8 Jesus said the pure in heart shall see God. Paul says when perfection comes, we shall see face to face. This has nothing to do with the way we see in the natural but how we will see in the spirit. Our fleshly eyes will no longer exist. The Greek carries the idea of seeing with perception. Our ability to perceive things in the spirit will be greatly enhanced compared to our ability to see in the natural. Our ability to see will go beyond outward perception with the ability to understand what it is we are seeing. What Jesus is saying in this verse is that a pure heart will allow God to make Himself known to us. No longer will our hearts be vailed. What Adam lost in the garden, intimacy with God, Jesus restored, so man no longer will feel the need to hide from God. We will no longer live separated from the Father.

This is phase three of Christianity. In this feast the spiritual fulfillment is total spiritual growth. We will experience perfection and oneness with the Father and His Son. Jesus is the first man to obtain oneness with the Father and is now working to bring many sons to glory. What Jesus is we will become. This work will be of the spirit not of the flesh. Man will live for God in agape connected to the vine. Jesus will mediate this process as head of His church, and we will experience being where He is beholding His glory being changed into the same image from glory to glory. Agape will enable us not to take this reality to ourselves.

We as fallen man cannot relate to the spirit reality. We see through a glass dimly. When our hearts are restored to their original state, and we are healed we will understand how Jesus could say I am from heaven. He was at home spiritually as well as naturally. Jesus never came under the curse, and being connected to His Father, His life was totally different then the life we live under the influence of sin. At twelve years old He was strong in spirit and full of wisdom. He astounded the doctors of the law in the temple. Our minds have been darkened, our hearts corrupt, and we live life dimly. The born from above experience opens our spirit to the spirit realm but it is only in a measure for without agape stabilizing the soul we could not handle the glory. Agape does not seek its own. It will enable the Father to dwell in all His fullness when our hearts are rooted and grounded in agape.

This is total restoration. The Father's plan to restore man to His original state is complete. We are experiencing abundant life as Jesus said. We are living connected to the spirit realm seamlessly. Just as our spirit can speak in tongues whenever and wherever, so now our soul is one with the Father and the Son. Our understanding is complete, we know who and what we are experientially. Dominion is restored and we are an army under the Captain of our salvation and the gates of hell cannot prevail against us any longer. Jesus is establishing His authority on the earth through His church. His army will fight the forces of darkness and because He has overcome the world, it will be a done deal for us to overcome the world.

1 Cor 13:13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

Paul concluded this chapter with this statement. Agape provides the faith and the hope of our destiny, however, only agape will continue in the next life. It is agape that hopes all things and believes all things. The most important thing is agape, a more excellent way. Agape will enable the soul to overcome the world. We are seeing the last days unfold before our very eyes and we need our hearts rooted and grounded in agape, it is the only way to overcome the world. The devil is using fear to accomplish his plan to have world government. He is using fear to divide and conquer. Though fear he will get the world to comply with his system. 1 John 4:18, "there is no fear in agape," We will live overcoming world government and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against us.

Gen 1:26 Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

Adam fell and never obtained likeness. Jesus the last Adam knew no sin and had the image and the likeness. Jesus is what every man should have become. Jesus is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of God's nature, Heb 1:3. Jesus never lost the dominion God gave to man. Paul wrote that God has predestinated a people to be conformed to His Son that Jesus would be the firstborn of many brethren. Jesus is the fulfillment of Eph 3:11, God's eternal purpose. When we are in the likeness of God we will be able to keep His laws perfectly. We will live a life fulfilling the two greatest commandments and fulfilling the prayer Jesus taught His disciples to pray, Your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, Matt 6:10.

His life bore witness to the truth. Jesus is who we should have been. Sin caused us to lose the glory, the agape, the oneness, any spiritual life to produce perfection, and the truth of what man is and will become.
What Jesus is mediating is the agape of God. He is the vine we are the branches and the end result of abiding in His agape will be perfection, spiritual maturity on par with Christ. Jesus will make the Father's name known to us and will raise us up in the last day without spot or winkle or and such thing. He is anointed to heal the broken hearted and fill us with agape. Through Jesus the Father can pour out His agape into our hearts making us one as Jesus and the Father are one.  This is the answer to vs one in John 17, Jesus asked for the Father to glorify Him so that He could glorify the Father in phase two of His ministry and that is bringing us into the likeness of the Father which is agape.

John 15:1 "I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser.

The Father has put His Son in the forefront not the other way around. The Father has put us in His Son's hands to raise up in the last day, John 6:39,40,44,54. Jesus has been given all authority both in heaven and in earth. Heb 2:7, God has put His Son over the works of His hands. Jesus is our head.
 Agape is the most important doctrine in the bible. Salvation and the infilling of the Holy Spirit are only tools to enable the soul to enter the third phase of Christianity. Jesus said in John 13:35 that all men will know that we are His disciples if we have agape for one another. Without agape we will never obtain perfection and become one with the Father and the Son. We will never come to know God for God is agape 1 John 4:8. We are called to abide in agape. Jesus is the way to the Father. As we experience agape, we will come to know Christ and be filled with all the fullness of God himself, Eph 3:19. The heart of God for His creation is that we become like Him. Without agape that reality will never happen.

 This chapter explains how Gen 1:26 works. Jesus is the mediator of agape between God and man. Without Jesus suppling agape to His church we will never experience the life He came to give. The first century walked away from agape and became disconnected from the life source. The door was opened to run the church off the rails. What the devil did is what he always does, steal, kill, and destroy. Satan mired the church in works and false doctrine. For the last 1900 years romanism has pervaded and penetrated the whole church making it something that rejects the commandments of God and steals the reality of what God intended for man from the beginning.
 This is the Father setting His Son up in the marketplace of souls to do His business, Heb 2:7.
“ I am,” speaks of His authority. Jesus is the only way to experience the Father, Jn 14:6.

John 15:4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.

This is the condition of the church today branches trying to produce fruit without being connected to the wine. If we are not abiding in the vine, we are not producing any fruit that will change us or anyone else.
 Verse 9 of this chapter explains how to abide in Jesus. We must abide in Jesus's agape. Without agape we will not be able to produce fruit. Agape will enable us to fulfill the law of God, Rom 13:10, Gal 5:14.

 We are the branches not the vine. God never intended for the branches to produce life in themselves. Without the vine there is no life. That is why our life stalls after the newness of the Christianity wares off. We cannot make things happen. No man can receive anything accept it be given out of heaven, John 3:27. This love relationship with Jesus is a heavenly reality the result of being born from above, not earthly.


 Our relationship with Jesus is not what we can do for Him or how much we say we love Him but His agape for us. Jesus’ love for us is not based on an earthly love but a heavenly love. We will be able to love this way because we let Jesus build this relationship with Him, Eph 4:13. By abiding in the vine we will become like Him. Through the vine process we will become conformed into the image of Christ, Rom 8:29.
 This is life in the spirit. This is how we will be able to live life in the spirit. This is the reality of Jesus words in John 3:6, that which is born of spirit is spirit. We are not called to live the spirit life in the flesh for the flesh cannot produce life in the spirit.

John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

Jesus is the reason we will succeed. We cannot build anything if He is not involved. The fruit is a relationship with the Father that can only come about through Jesus. The abundant life is being one with the Father and His Son. It will be Jesus that introduces us to the Father and His realm. With a pure heart we shall seamlessly interface with the Father on His level. What Jesus became is the pattern for all the Sons of God.
 The relationship with Jesus abiding in His agape will produce life in the spirit which will produce great fruit in the natural. This is more than winning souls this is a life connected to the Father and living a life being the righteousness of God. Another way of saying this is being like God and that is the greatest fruit of all. Without Jesus and His agape we will do nothing and remain nothing.

The Greek for abide is mano and KW translates this Greek word by saying, “maintain a living communion with Me." In the feast of Tabernacles, we will experience a living communion with the Father and the Son. Without Jesus there will be no living a spiritual life. Today we have Christless Christianity. Jesus the source of agape was walked away from in the first century and the devil plunged the church into the dark ages with the rule of man and works of the flesh for justification.
 The Christian church today is rooted in romanism. Until we become rooted in agape, we will never become what The Father wants. He cannot put His glory in a church that does not know Him. God is agape and they who do not agape do not know God, 1 John 4:8.


When Jesus says without me you can do nothing, He is saying without Him there is no life in the spirit. We will never come to a mature man unto the full stature of Christ. The branch has no life to produce life in the spirit. Jesus said in John 14:6 that He is the way the truth and the life, no man can come to the Father but through Me. This is more than salvation for salvation is just the first step to redemption. To get to the life Paul writes about in Eph 4:13 we need to be connected to Jesus for He is the source of agape. It will be Jesus that brings us life and life more abundantly, John 10:10. Jesus says that he who abides in Me and I in him, bears much fruit. The Greek for abide is mano which means to abide, to stay, to live, Kenneth Weist translates this word, "to maintain a living communion with Me." In the third feast our life in Christ will be a living breathing two-way communion. Christ is coming for His church and when He is done building His church the gates of hell shall not prevail against Her.

This is a life in the spirit. In the third feast we will live in this reality, and it will be the beginning of our eternal life. Our hearts will be restored to prefall days, and we will begin to live face-to-face and fully know as we are fully known. We will experience oneness with the Father and Jesus. They will come to us and make their home in our hearts, John 14:23. Through agape we will come unto all the fulness of the Father.

We are not plugged into Jesus. The first century church became unplugged, and we have been unplugged for 1900 years. The third stage is about to begin and agape through Jesus is the power that will enable us to live an overcoming life.
This will be the reality of the third feast. We will have a living communion with Christ as set up by the logos of God Himself. This is what Paul meant when He called Jesus the mediator between God and man. Because the 1st century church left their first love, Jesus is no longer in the position He is ordained of God to be in. In heaven nothing has changed, only on earth is this reality true. Jesus is still above every name that is named.

John 15:6 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.

This is the only way we will become the fulfillment of all the scriptures. Without Jesus' agape we will never fulfill the plan of God for man.  Jesus is the way John 14:6, and He is the way to eternal life to the full. If we do not remain in Jesus’ agape, we will not grow spiritually. The Father is longsuffering because He is agape and that is the nature of agape, but this life is all we have and if we will not follow what God has set up then there is no use for us. God will not go against our will but there are consequences for not opening to God and doing it His way and there are great wonders for those who choose to follow the plan of God.

John 15:7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

This is why our prayers go unanswered. Agape believes all things. Agape will put us in the right place. We will be friends, no longer servants not knowing what the master is doing. This is a life having a pure heart rooted and grounded in agape. This is life in the spirit realm restored to pre fall days. This is a life seeing face to face living in the very presence of God, and His Son.
 This reality will produce a powerful connection in the spirit. It is the same connection Jesus has with the Father. The fruit will be having the Father and the Son making their home in the heart of the believer, John 14:23. This is the reason our prayers go unanswered. This is the reason tongues will cease when we are totally connected to the vine. Verse 7 is the face-to-face relationship Paul writes about in 1 Cor 13:12.
 Jesus was speaking to His disciples 2000 years ago. They were on a course to experience agape by abiding in the vine vs 9. Today’s church is not abiding in the vine and this and all realities of abiding in the vine, do not apply to the church today. We cannot expect the same results as those Jesus was speaking to because we are not following His word, John 15:9.
  This is the exact life Christ lived on this earth. He seamlessly interfaced with His Father, and we will be in the same position and all the things that worked with Christ will work with us as His body. This is the logos of God that we be one with the Father and His Son.

John 15:8  Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so, shall ye be my disciples.

 Our lives will be our testimony that we are Christ disciples. The much fruit will be a result of abiding in agape. Agape will enable the soul to keep Christ's commandments and by doing so continually abide in Christ agape. The much fruit is living a life of righteousness, being able to control your emotions and your flesh and living a life reflecting Christ's life. The much fruit is being one as Jesus and His Father are one. Living life fulfilling the laws of God. The much fruit is living a life form a pure heart rooted and grounded in agape.

John 15:9 As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.

This is the pivotal verse in the N.T. If we don’t abide in Jesus’ agape, we will not be able to accomplish the plan of God. All the scriptures that are unfulfilled will continue to be unfulfilled. Jesus is coming to reconnect His church so we can become a dwelling for the Spirit.
Agape is what Jesus is mediating between God and man, 1 Tim 2:5. Jesus is the tabernacle of God. This mediatorship will produce oneness and likeness with God. Through Jesus we will come to know the Father and be filled unto all the fullness of the Father Himself, Eph 3:19. This is what Jesus came to do. Through the vine experience we will establish a relationship with the Father and Jesus. Abiding in the vine is the path to relationship. This is how Jesus is going to build His church. By maintaining a living communion with Christ, we will establish a relationship with the Father and His Son.

 This is what Jesus is referring to in verse 8, this is how we will produce much fruit. This is how we abide in Jesus.
 Kenneth Wuest translation for the Greek word Meno, “maintain a living communion with me.” Abiding in the vine is a living reality. Because there is no spirit in today’s Christianity the only thing left is intellectualism. A religion without Christ as the head.
 Jesus’ agape came from the Father. God is the only source of agape and Jesus with a pure heart allowed the Father's agape to become rooted and grounded in His heart. God is never ending, and His agape is never ending. We were created by God to be an outlet of His agape. We were created and designed to acquire agape and thrive in it. What we see today is a world without agape and the result of that reality. The called-out ones were never to live this life in self-strength, it is not enough to produce life in the spirit. Life in the spirit is an unfallen heart rooted and grounded in agape.

This is what we are to do to walk this life, to continually allow Jesus’ agape to remain in us. We are to believe and maintain a living communion with Jesus. To do this we are to remain open to agape coming from Christ. The result will be we will come into an experiential knowledge of Christ and be conformed into His image. Without agape we will never be able to live this life.

Our entire spiritual existence depends on this verse. Everything else is wood, hay, and stubble.
 The church of Eph 5:27 will be connected to the vine receiving agape and becoming filled unto all the fullness of the Father. This is where we become one. This will be the source the pure heart will be rooted and grounded in, which will enable the soul to never fail and live a life fulfilling the two greatest commandments.
 This is the reality of Christ's words in John 14:6, I am the way the truth and the life. no man can come to the Father but through Me. Jesus is the way we are to be filled unto all the fullness of the Father, Eph 3:19. Without Jesus we can do nothing, John 15:5.

John 15:10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love.

Jesus is not saying that to get His love we need to keep His commandments. Jesus is saying that by keeping His commandments we will continue to have agape to live the way we are supposed to. Jesus’ commandment is in verse 12 to agape one another as we are being agaped. The whole point is abiding in agape to produce the spiritual life Jesus lives. Jesus is our eternal source, because He lives, we shall live also, John 14:19.
 This verse is showing the mediatorship of Jesus, 1 Tim 2:5. Jesus is Emmanuel God with us. Our face-to-face relationship with the Father is through His Son. Jesus in us the hope of glory, Col 1:27.
 This relationship of abiding in agape is the key to keeping our souls pure. There is nothing we can do to get this result. Abiding in the vine is our only course of action. Agape is the truth that will keep our souls pure. No number of outward acts will affect the inward soul producing a pure life.
 By acquiring agape we will be able to keep Jesus’ commandments and remain in His agape the same way Jesus abode in His Fathers agape and is continually living His life in the Father.
 Using agape for what it is intended will assure a continual supply. This is what Jesus is saying.

 Living a life fulfilling the commandments of God is not a burdensome life. Agape as to its nature is kind and patient, agape is who God is and the commandments of God can only be kept through a relationship with the Father. We as fallen man dead to the spirit life have no idea the reality of the life that can be had through maintaining a living communion with the Father and His Son. God is agape and those who abide in agape abide in God, 1 John 4:16.
 The key to not losing agape is by using it to keep the commandments. It takes agape to keep the commandments and it takes keeping the commandments to keep agape. The commandments are from God's heart which is a heart of agape. To be like God we need to have a continue supply of His agape.
 This is why Jesus never claimed that He was good for He knew where His life came from. He stayed in the Father's love and that is what produced the life He lived. Jesus said in John 6:57, "I live because of the Father, and he who eats me will live because of Me." We will live life because of Jesus.
 The agape of God is the most powerful thing on earth. The devil knows this reality. It is the reason he buried this truth and the truth of Jesus and reestablished works of the flesh which will produce nothing in the spirit. Without agape the church today is weak, and its members are weak and blind to the spiritual reality of the plan of God for man.
 One of the qualities of agape is, it does not seek its own. In the temptation in the wilderness Jesus did not seek to save His life by partaking of any of the temptations Satan presented to Him. Agape will protect the soul from all temptations that would ensnare the soul and cause it to lose life. Rev 12:11 they agaped not their lives unto the death.